Friday, June 4, 2010

Assignment #2

Did You Know

This video absolutely caught me off guard. I was not prepared for the information that came across my screen. While watching this video, my mind was too busy trying to comprehend the fact before a new one came up! The first slide that came up stated that if you are one in a million in China, there are 1,300 people that are just like you. This fact was very interesting to me because I simply never thought this deeply about how many people are actually alike as well as different in this world. I found that this one fact was something to think about for a while! I am now going to view people in an entirely different way. What if I came in contact with someone else just like me? How would I respond to this person? These are just a couple of life's mysteries.

The last few slides caught my attention for sure! I've never taken the time to think about how many babies are born just in the United States, much less the rest of the world. I was unaware of how many babies that are born in China and India. It both amazes and saddens me knowing how many of the babies are not going to be welcomed in this world. The good news is that a lot of them will be loved and cared for! Those children will hopefully grow up and produce loving families of their own. This video was very informative to me and opened my eyes to things that I need to take the time to think about more often.

Mr. Winkle Wakes

After waking from his sleep, Mr. Winkle decided to go visit different places to see what was familiar to him. The only problem was that life had changed or evolved into something that was new to him. Mr. Winkle did not know how to react to the changing world. That is a serious problem that I feel our world may be going through. Things are changing constantly around us and if we do not "jump on the wagon" we will be left behind!

Technology is rapidly changing. As I watched the video, I realized that Mr. Winkle did not appreciate the change. I feel as though we should appreciate change and learn from it. I think that change, in some cases, is a good thing. I think it is important to teach children to adapt to change and accomplish what needs to be accomplished.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

This video was both entertaining and informative. I agree with the fact that creativity is a key part in life. I believe in expressing creativity especially in a classroom. The children need to see creative, colorful things so that it will "spark" something in them to be creative. I know that I learn best by "hands on" material rather than just memorizing a book. By giving the children something to make or think about will provoke them to want to learn. I know for myself if I were to walk into a room that had bare walls and no projects or fun things to do, then I would not want to stay in that room. By bringing creativity into the classroom, I think that children are apt to learn more and remember what they learned.

There are so many fun projects for students to do that would encourage them to use their creative side. It is crucial to the learning process. I think so many times creativity is cut from the classroom, which is not fair to the students. This video opened my eyes and reminded me of some things I think are important to bring into, not cut from, my future classroom.

Harness Your Student's Digital Smarts

I was absolutely amazed while watching this video. The students are learning and having fun while doing it! I loved how the teacher stated one of the "teams" was going to teach on a certain day. When I was in high school, I remember one of my teachers allowed us to "teach" for the day. I learned, understood, and remembered the material from that particular day. Yes, if the teacher would have taught on that day, I would have learned the same material but having someone that was my age teach me something helped me tremendously.

I also loved that the students used the computers to learn and teach each other. The teacher made a comment about students not learning as much when they only have a pencil and piece of paper. I agree totally with this teacher. I think it is crucial for students to learn in new ways. By using computers, the students will learn skills that they will use later in life. I wish this would have been made available when I was in high school. I believe I would be more technology literate had I been given the opportunity.


  1. Katie,
    Your are absolutely correct that … Things are changing constantly around us and if we do not "jump on the wagon" we will be left behind! … we need to all get together and form learning communities so we can embrace technology. Another comment you made … I think it is important to teach children to adapt to change and accomplish what needs to be accomplished … that is the foundation of this course! We need to not only teach children but anyone that wants to learn about new technologies to improve their personal and professional lives. Finally, your comment … I believe I would be more technology literate had I been given the opportunity … is a very important statement. We need to help all other people who want to learn about technology so we can all learn!

  2. I felt the same way about the "Did You Know" video about trying to comprehend one fact before another one appeared. I also did not realize how many babies were born in the United States as well as in China.
    I believe that change is good if it is something that will benefit the students in the future. all of us should adapt to change only if the change is for good. I also believe that creativity to get children involved and more eager to learn about things that will help then in the near future.
    Students should have the opportunity to teach the class a lesson because some students see things different the teacher. The students can relay information and get students to understand a lesson better than a teacher can explain. I my self also learn from hands on experience rather than memorizing. By the time the test is over i have forgotten the information that I have learned.
